Arts Education


Creatives Inspirit Teaching Artist

Le Jeu

Trained by clown master, Phillipe Gaulier in the philosophy of ‘Le Jeu’ (The Game), Shanice has taught numerous workshops in this philosophy to reintroduce the spirit of play and playfulness into everyday life as a form of self-expression and emotional release. Community partners include: Singapore Association of Mental Health, Caregivers Alliance, Anglo-Chinese Junior College and many more


Play Through Movement

Designed for both kids and adults, the play through movement workshops use clown techniques as a form of engagement through dance, to inform the dance-making process, teach world rhythms as well as to bring out the individuality of each participant.


AnyBody Can Dance

Passionate about sharing movement and dance with bodies and communities that may not have access to dance, the ABCD curriculum was developed by Shanice in 2017. Community partners include: Singapore Association of Mental Health, Saint Andrews Nursing Home, Caregivers Alliance, National Arts Council and many more


Why Should I Care?

An outreach initiative targeted at youths tackling illness be it patient, caregiver or professional. The initiative aims to share creative coping ‘life hacks’ to aid in the coping process

Clown Workshops

Introduction to finding your clown and finding freedom to play.

Featuring The Young Company (Singapore Repertory Theatre)

Clown Teaching Artist

‘WHO’S OUR NEXT CLOWN? is a clown show digital series is for 3 Pumpkins channel, Kids Stay Home. Singapore, 2020.

Wolftrap Teaching Artist: Singapore Repertory Theatre

Certified by the Wolf Trap Institute of Early Learning Through the Arts, Shanice is one of the few Wolftrap teaching artists in Singapore working in classroom residencies in various preschools with early childhood educators


Dance and Theatre Curriculum Coordinator

Planned the dance and theatre curriculum for Camp Chartwell, a children’s art camp in Singapore from 2015-2016.



Theatre Studies and Drama Teaching Assistant-Anglo Chinese Junior College, Singapore, 2013

Zumba Profile 4.png


Clients include: TNT Fitness | Active Singapore | The Stage Dance Studios | YOLO Studio | Singapore Health Promotion Board | Yale-NUS College | Women In Recovery Association |  Got To Move Singapore (National Arts Council) | St. Andrew's Nursing Home | Tembusu College | Great Eastern Singapore 



Bringing Zumba and dance to underdeveloped slums with the interest of creating a vibrant dance community of dancers and choreographers in Battambang, Cambodia. 2015-Present.

Zumba Fitness Singapore Team Rep

Working to develop and teach Zumba programs in underdeveloped regions in Kenya with Move to Empower. (New York) Team includes Zumba home office Humanitarian of the Year, Toni Rubio, Zumba Jammer Henry Cendeño and Peruvian choreographer John Layseca.